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UNESCO World Heritage

 Odbor za svjetsku baštinu upisao je
na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske baštine
na 29.Sjednici u Durbanu,Južnoafrička

Current maintenance of the interior and exterior PDF Print E-mail


Current maintenance of the interior and exterior in the old part of the city in Mostar

On 10.09.2021 Agencija "Stari grad" made a decision to launch the public procurement procedure by way of competitive request to implement e-auction for receiving bids to procure the works: Current maintenance of the interior and exterior in the old part of the city in Mostar. Funds were provided from the budget of the city of Mostar for 2021.

After implemented public procurement procedure, on 14.10.2021 Agencija "Stari grad" signed a contract with the best bidder civil construction company Bišina limited liability company to perform the pertinent works in the amount of 92.466,86 convertible marks with the Value Added Tax included in the price. 

After signing contract for the works, a public procurement procedure was launched by way of direct agreement to procure the services "Supervision over the current maintenance of the interior and exterior in the old part of the city in Mostar".

On 18.10.2021 Agencija "Stari grad" signed a contract with the best bidder civil construction company "GRAĐEVINAR FAJIĆ" limited liability company Mostar to perform services "Supervision over the current maintenance of the interior and exterior in the old part of the city in Mostar" in the amount of 2.632,50 convertible marks with the Value Added Tax included in the price.

In conformity with contracted obligations and the bill of quantities (BoQ) the following works have been performed:

Tannery and porches

Structures T8,T9,T10, T11

Carpenter's work;

Roof tiling work;

Other works.

Structures T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7

Preparatory work;

Carpenter's work;

Roof tling work;

Other works.

Structures T16, T17, T18, T19

Preparatory work;

Carpenter's work;

Roof tiling work;

Other works.

Structures: Djidic, Skoro, Tojaga in Prijecka carsija

Djidic business premise

Disassembly of the roof (stone boards, hydroinsulations, laths, (roof) boarding of the rafters and the joists, lead sheets)

Fabrication of the tin flashing pieces;

Assembly of the hydroinsulation foil, hammering nails into laths on the roof, protection of the timber;

Covering of the roof truss with stone slab.

Skoro business premise

Roof disassembly (stone slabs, hydroinsulations, laths, (roof) boarding of the rafters and the joists, lead sheets);

Fabrication of the tin flashing pieces;

Assembly of the hydroinsulation foil, hammering nails into laths on the roof, protection of the timber;

Covering of the roof truss with stone slab;

Repairs of the contacts with structure of beneficiary Tojaga;

Repair and re-assembly of windows with bricklayer treatment.

„Pilav“ cafe in street of Gojko Vukovic

Preparatory work;

Installation of the entry doors with fanlight, as well as bricklayer treatment;

Laying new floor in the structure.

Premises of association of veterans of police of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton;

Installation of new water supply fittings;

Implementation of all the preparatory work, earthwork(s), asphalter works and final works.

Structure in street of M. Tito (former "Standard" ready-made clothes shop)

Preparatory work:

Carpenter's work;

Roof tiling work;

Joinery work;

Plumber's work.

Memorial house of Gojko Vukovic

Joinery work.

On 30.12.2021 at the request of the contractor BIŠINA civil construction company annex number of the contract about the extension of the deadline was drawn up because of the adverse weather conditions for the construction work outside (permanent and intensive precipitations). On 15.03.2022 contractor of the works notified Agencija "Stari grad" about the completion of the works on the "Current maintenance of the interiors and exteriors in the old part of the old city in Mostar".

Committee for inspection of the performed works stated that the works were performed in accordance with the project in accordance with valid technical regulations, obligatory standards and normative provisions and obligations stemming from the decision on designation of historic urban landscape of Mostar as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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